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How To Make The Devil Obey You!!!

By: Gillis Triplett
Type: Trade Paperback
Publisher: Messenger of Victory Enterprises
Publication Date: 2001
ISBN: 1-890292-07-9
UPC: 9781890292072
GTM Stock Number: GTM-B20023
Dimensions: 8.5 X 5.5
Page Count: 160
Retail Price: $8.99
Availability: In Stock

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There is a furious battle raging in the realm of the spirit.
This battle pits sickness and disease against healing and health. Divorce against marriage. Lies against the Truth. Poverty against prosperity. Depression, stress and confusion against peace. Sexual immorality against purity. Eternal damnation against eternal life and you and I against the onslaught of satan. The question is, "When the enemy launches an attack against you, or against your family, business or ministry, what will be the outcome?" Will you become another fallen soldier in the mighty army of the Lord? Or, will you reign victorious in heat of the battle?  

I must confess.
When the average Christian first reads the title, How To Make The Devil Obey You!!!, usually their response is, "we can't make the devil obey us!" I've heard it time and time again.

So let me make this clear.
This book is not for pew warmers, spiritual whiners or for people who don't mind being satan's puppet or punching bag. Nor is it for Believers who are not bothered about being spiritually ineffective for Christ. If your mission in life is to try and hold on until Jesus returns, we earnestly pray for you but I promise you this book is not for you!  

Who is this book for?
How To Make The Devil Obey You!!! is for the Believers who sense by the Holy Spirit, that they are called to play an instrumental part in raising up the Triumphic Church. And! They understand they must be prepared for all-out war! When you open up How To Make The Devil Obey You!!!, you'll find out what it's like to be enrolled in one of God's, High-Impact Spiritual Warfare Training Camps. Have you ever been inside of God's armory? What about His firing range? No? In How To Make The Devil Obey You!!! I'll take you inside both places and when you come out, you'll know how to load, lock, aim and fire the ammunition of God like an expert!  

Having the weapons and power and knowing how to use them are two separate issues.
It's no secret that God has given us some awesome weapons and power! If you ask most Christians, they can quote Scriptures such as Luke 10:19, "Behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions." and II Corinthians 10:4, "For the weapons of are warfare." However, those Scriptures are just a fleeting dream to many. They've heard about the weapons and power but they know very little about using them.  

Spiritual ineffectiveness and failure is not your destiny!
As you are reading this web page, Believers near and far are learning the vital life-changing spiritual warfare rules of engagement enclosed within this potent book. They are using what they've learned and praise God, they are putting the enemy to flight! Hear me clearly - GOD has called me to raise up a radical army of Believers who are versed at using the armament of God and who attack the kingdom of darkness with a fierce BOLDNESS! You are one of His chosen warriors and YOU NEED TO GET THIS Training NOW! Order Today!

Here's a sampling of some of the things you will learn when you read "How To Make The Devil Obey You!!!"

  • Critical truths the devil never wanted you to learn about spiritual warfare
  • The ammunition of God, what it is, how to get, load it and fire it!
  • Why in the realm of the spirit, violence always begets violence
  • Actions you must take when you come under the attack of the enemy. When you learn these, you will never be frightened or intimidated again!
  • How the devil masterfully uses deception to control most of the church
  • The three scriptural reasons why the devil will obey you
  • The two main reasons Christians get pushed around by the devil and how can avoid them
  • Spiritual warfare rules of engagement every Believer must know
  • How the church you attend determines your spiritual strength or lack thereof

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