Must I Be Saved? (Part 1)
Do we really need salvation? Is Christianity a hoax?
Is it necessary that a person be born again?
Can we really trust what is written in the Bible?
Sometimes Life Seems To Offer
More Questions Than Answers…
Mankind has pondered and asked these questions throughout
the ages. “Does God really exist? Is there a heaven
and/or hell? If there is, does one earn the right to go to
heaven or do we freely inherit citizenship? If one has to
earn his or her way into heaven, what type of work or deeds
must they perform? If gaining entrance into heaven is through
an inheritance, who qualifies and how will they know? Which
religion is right? The Jehovah Witnesses? The Catholics? The
Muslims? The Mormons?
And what about the numerous denominations? They are so confusing
with their conflicting doctrines and beliefs… Who do
you believe? The Baptist? The Methodist? The Presbyterians?
The Pentecostals? How can I know what church, temple, or synagogue
to attend? Do I really need to go to church? How can I know
for sure if there is life after death? Is it really a necessity
for me to be born again?”
The lists of questions are never ending concerning God and
eternal life. There will always be heated debates about evolution
and various philosophical dissertations about God. I don't
know about you but the questions you just read are way too
critical to leave to chance by believing or relying on an
unproven theory. If there is a heaven and hell and if there
is a final judgment day for each of us, then we need to find
out about it today!
Rolling The Dice With Your
I’m not going to wait until it is too late to try to
get my act together. I’m not going to allow my eternal
security, if there is such a thing, to rest upon if, and,
but, maybe, possibly so, what are the chances of, or theoretically
speaking. You can take a chance and roll the dice with your
life, but what if you’re wrong?
When I first moved to Atlanta, Georgia, I was unaware of
some of the peculiar driving laws. Because of my lack of knowledge,
I ended up receiving a citation from an Atlanta Police Officer
that required either paying a fine or appearing in court.
I chose to make my appeal to the Traffic Court Judge. While
in court, I noticed there was a considerable amount of people
who were there because they had received a citation for driving
without automobile insurance.
As I listened to those individuals plead with the judge,
many of them had seemingly valid reasons for not having insurance
the day they received their citation.
Some people were just one paycheck away from getting insurance
before they got ticketed. Others were working two jobs to
put together enough money to pay for insurance, but they got
the ticket right before their plan came together. After listening
to the heart touching accounts of the things these people
had planned to do and were doing in order to get auto insurance,
the judge was not moved. He upheld what was written in the
Georgia State law books. And the law stated that you must
have automobile insurance in order to drive a motor vehicle
on the roads, in the state of Georgia. Period!
It was gut-wrenching listening to individuals, (some broke
down in tears) as they tried to explain to the judge what
would happen to them, if they lost their driver’s license.
A number of people purchased automobile insurance immediately
after they receiving their ticket. They believed if they came
into court with proof of obtaining auto insurance after receiving
the ticket, the citation would be dismissed. But it was too
late. Not one person who was cited for driving without insurance
walked out of court that day without paying a hefty fine,
losing their license, or being incarcerated, or all of the
The only ones whose cases were dismissed without a paying
a fine or penalty were the people who could prove they had
auto insurance the day they received the citation. Those individuals
could breathe a sigh of relief when their name was called
to appear before the judge. Why? Because they met the requirements
written in the Georgia State law books. If there is no heaven
or hell, you’ve got nothing to lose. But if there is,
and you refuse or fail to obtain the insurance policy necessary
to enter heaven, then just like the people who stood before
that Traffic Court Judge, you are in big trouble!
Where Did We Come From?
The first thing we need to agree on is that without the Scriptures
we would know absolutely nothing about God. Had there been
no Bible we wouldn’t have a clue about heaven, hell,
morals, values, sin, or eternal life. If no one had ever preached
about being born-again or about being saved, I guarantee,
you would’ve never thought about it on your own. As
a matter of fact, mankind would have no idea about marriage
because marriage was revealed to us from the Bible. If there
were no Scriptures, there would be no marriage. Even primitive
cultures that believe in marriage, can trace the origin of
their beliefs back to the Word of God. Frankly, if God had
left man in charge to figure out how he should commingle with
a woman, you and I both know, the majority of society would
run buck wild! Let’s go to the Word of God and examine
how life, as we know it, got started.
Genesis 1:8,10,16,21
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the
8 And God called the firmament Heaven.
10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering
of the waters called He Seas...
16 And God made two great lights;
the greater to rule the day, and the lesser to rule the
night: He made the stars also.
21 And God created great whales,
and every living creature that moveth...
From the Scriptures we can conclude that it was God who created
the Heaven and Earth. We can also conclude that He created
everything in the heavens and in the earth - the sun, the
moon and the stars and all living creatures. Now let’s
read a little further.
Genesis 1:26,27
26 And God said, Let
us make man in our image, after our likeness:...
27 So God created man in His own image, in the image of
God created He him; male and female created He them.
Genesis 2:7
And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the
ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breathe of life;
and man became a living soul.
We now have the complete picture. Things didn't come together
because of a violent cataclysmic explosion. It was God who
systematically and methodically, designed, then created the
heavens and the earth… then He filled what He created
with a wide selection of glorious lights, creatures of all
kinds and every type of herb and plant known to man. It was
God who created the gold, the diamonds, the onyx stone and
the oil, etc., and then, after the Genesis 1:26 Summit Meeting,
God-the Father, God-the Son and God–the Holy Spirit,
created man, both male and female. The next set of critical
questions, are, who wrote the Bible and why?
Revelation 14:13
And I heard voice
from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead
which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea saith the Spirit,
that they may rest from their labours; and their works do
follow them.
II Peter 1:21
For the prophecy came
not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God
spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.
II Timothy 3:16-17
16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God
and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction,
for instruction in righteousness:
17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished
unto all good works.
The Scriptures reveal that holy men of God wrote the Bible
under the inspiration of Almighty God. In other words, the
Bible didn’t come to us by the hands of a psychotic
dictator, a fanatical religious regime, or some drug crazed
spiritual zealot. These men heard God speak and they recorded
what they heard. They were stenographers for God.
Some Serious Questions…
We’ve learned how God moved upon certain men’s
hearts and inspired them to record His Words. That knowledge
presents us with another list of questions. Is God adding
anything else to the Bible through today’s prophets?
Does God have any addendums to the Bible such as the Book
of Mormon? Can we (mankind) add anything to the Scriptures
that is not already there?
Can a group of bishops or other religious people get together
and vote on issues such as abortion, homosexuality, marriage,
drinking, divorce, etc.? Did God have a cutoff from adding
other Scriptures to the Bible? Can we take Scriptures out
of the Bible or alter the Scriptures to fit a certain religion
or denominational viewpoint? Let’s go back to the Word
of God and get the answers to those all-important questions.
Revelation 22:18-19
18 For I testify unto every
man that heareth the words of the prophecy of the book,
If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto
him the plagues that are written in this book:
19 And if any man shall take
away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall
take away his part out of the holy city, and from the things
which are written in this book.
With that solemn pronouncement found in the last chapter
of the last book of the Bible and in two of the last four
verses, the Scriptures were forever closed. After that point,
there are no authorized addendums, additions, changes, attachments,
or other testaments. Everything else and anything else is
a strictly prohibited unauthorized version. To answer the
question can any man, denomination, or religious organization
vote on an issue revealed in the Written Word of God, the
answer is a resounding, “No!” It does not matter
what the issue is, God has settled the matter in heaven.
Psalms 119:89
For ever, O Lord, thy word
is settled in heaven.
God issued His decree through His Written Word on any and
all subjects. And! He expects the Believer to obey that Word.
Not add to it, alter it, or vote on it. When you see people
who claim to be ministers, bishops, priests or followers of
God, altering, adding to, taking away or voting on issues
already established in the Word of God, that is your irrefutable
proof of a false prophet or a corrupt ministry. Based on all
that we have read and learned thus far, if we are going to
get the answers to questions such as, "Is there a heaven
or hell? Is there a need for salvation? Is there life after
We must go to the only true source, the Scriptures, to get
our answers. Any other source can only be considered, at best,
13.97% accurate. That 13.97% figure is based on scientific
studies that say the average person uses maybe 10% of their
brain's capacity, (I spotted you 3.97%). Even Einstein was
said to have only used maybe 20% of his brainpower, and that
most likely was a gross over estimation.
Are you willing to gamble with
your life with such dismal odds?
Would you jump from an airplane at 20,000 feet, knowing your
parachute only had a 13.97% chance of opening? Are you willing
to gamble with your life on a 13.97% possibility that Darwin’s
theory of evolution might be right? Are you brazen enough
to roll the dice and adopt the beliefs of the free-thinking
atheists, who say, “There is no credible scientific
or factually reliable evidence for the existence of God or
the supernatural,” knowing they could be 86.03% wrong?
Before you answer those questions, let's examine what the
Written Word of God says about death, heaven, hell, sin, justification,
eternal life, judgment and eternal damnation.
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