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Honorable Men Seek Spiritual Midwives!

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Have you ever had one of those moments in time when the Holy Spirit quickened a word in your spirit? A word so powerful that it will forever be etched in your mind and heart?

I have one of those words for the Body of Christ, specifically to the women of God… Honorable men seek thee!

by Gillis Triplett

Where Have All of The Good Men Gone?
That question has left many women in the church; puzzled and disillusioned with the Lord. Some see no chance of finding a husband in the kingdom of God. Sadly, many Christians have not comprehended the fact that we are in the midst of a spiritual war of epic proportions. The church is being fired upon from all fronts.

Manhood, marriage and sexual purity are under a vicious assault. Morality, Christianity and motherhood are all being attacked with a relentless zeal as well.

To compound the matter, many companies are resorting to sex pressure tactics to market their products. As they expand this diabolical scheme, more and more men and women are engaging in indiscriminate sex. The men are saying, “Between the feminists, no-fault divorce and with so many women willing to have casual sex, why get married?” It is enough to make godly women throw their hands up in disgust and cry, “Lord, where have all the good men gone?”

Before you shed any more tears about the unavailability of godly men in the church, ponder this key point: in this war satan has devised a sinister plot to keep all women of God brokenhearted, barren, bewildered and depressed.

Get this fact engraved into your mind and heart.

The devil does not want to see any woman of God happily married to a true man of God. He knows when that glorious event happens, the born-again, Spirit-filled couple will raise up a godly heritage and he is fighting fiercely to prevent that God-given vision from coming to pass in your life.

Instead of crying tears of sorrow, you should be righteously indignant, (See Ephesians 4:26). Why? Because the devil has no legal right to halt or hinder God’s vision for your life, (See Luke 13:16).

Let’s go to the Written Word of God and examine how satan carries out this evil plot. 

Exodus 1:15-22 [Emphasis Added]
15 And the king of Egypt spake to the Hebrew midwives, of which the name of the one was Shiphrah, and the name of the other Puah:
16 And he said, When ye do the office of a midwife to the Hebrew women, and see them upon the stools; if it be a son, then ye shall kill him: but if it be a daughter, then she shall live.
17 But the midwives feared God, and did not as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the men children alive.
18 And the king of Egypt called for the midwives, and said unto them, Why have ye done this thing, and have saved the men children alive?
19 And the midwives said unto Pharaoh, Because the Hebrew women are not as the Egyptian women; for they are lively, and are delivered ere the midwives come in unto them.
20 Therefore God dealt well with the midwives: and the people multiplied, and waxed very mighty.
21 And it came to pass, because the midwives feared God, that he made them houses.
22 And Pharaoh charged all his people, saying, Every son that is born ye shall cast into the river, and every daughter ye shall save alive.

As I was studying this passage of Scripture, the Holy Spirit quickened seven phrases in my spirit.

1. Office of a Midwife (verse 16)
Please hear me clearly on this next point. The office of the midwife is just as critical as the office of the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor or teacher. If you don’t believe that statement, go back and read Exodus 1 again. It was not an apostle or prophet who saved those men children alive.

It was the midwives!

You need to fully comprehend the great sacrifice those midwives made when they saved the men children alive. The king of Egypt could have easily ordered those ladies to be executed for their dereliction of duty.

Because of their courageous acts, those women changed the course of history.

Write this down on the tablet of your heart. There is a stirring in the realm of the spirit. We are on the verge of seeing a mass harvest of men come into the Body of Christ, to the likes of which the church has never seen before. The awesome thing about this move of God is – these men won’t be carnal-minded, weak in faith or bound by the spirit of religion. These men will be like Joshua, Caleb, Peter and Moses. They will wax strong in the spirit.

In order for this next mighty move of God to take place, the midwives must be strategically positioned at the stools.

2. The Stools, (verse 16)
In those days the stools were a pair of bricks or stones on which the women would crouch to give birth. The stools were the actual birthing place. This next point is extremely vital, so follow me closely.

The stools represent the altar of God.

The plot of the devil is to prevent the men from coming to the altar and getting born-again.

Pastors and other ministers of the gospel, here me LOUD and CLEAR!

The devil is hell bent on preventing the men from getting saved. He has pulled out all stops to keep the men bound in the kingdom of darkness, (See Exodus 1:10).

If the men make a move toward the altar, the orders from the throne of satan are to block, prevent, hinder or kill them. The demons will do whatever it takes to keep the men from coming to Christ, but if it is a female, they have instructions to let her get saved.

Here is another startling point the church has somehow missed. Never in biblical history can you find God’s people prevailing over the enemies of God when there were no mighty men of valor, (See Isaiah 3:1-26, Numbers 13:17-33, Judges 2:1-23, and Exodus 1:8-14).

As long as there are no strong valiant men in the church, satan will dominate the kingdom of God. But if the men get born-again and get to a church where the pastor trains them how to brandish the Sword of the Spirit, satan has no power or might to fight against that congregation, (See Psalm 105:24).

The only way for satan to win at this war is to keep the men away from the altar of God.

3. Kill The Men (verse 16)
Men like Moses, Aaron, Joshua and Caleb and men like Isaiah, Nehemiah and Timothy are without question, all honorable men. They were great men of God who put their God-given vision, their wives, children, families and communities before their own needs and wants.

Because of these men, the world became a better place.

The testament of their integrity, fidelity, strong faith and courage has been recorded for us as a life long legacy that cannot be erased. BUT! Had it not been for the midwives, these men would have never graced the earth with their presence.

At the behest of satan, the order was given by the king of Egypt to kill all of the men of the children of Israel. He gave that order in an attempt to prevent the prophecy the Lord spoke to satan in the Garden of Eden.

Genesis 3:15

And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

His plot was quite obvious…

Kill the men but let the women live and his head wouldn’t get bruised!

By preventing the men of God from being birthed, satan would effectively continue his dictatorial reign of overwhelmingly enslaving, controlling and dominating the kingdom of God, (See Exodus 1:8-14).

It was an ingenious plot, except for one crucial flaw.

The devil did not count on the midwives standing in the gap for the men of God.

4. But Let The Women Live, (verse 16, 22)
The females were allowed to live because part of the plot was to take the women and indoctrinate them into the Egyptian culture. This way when they married and gave birth, their children would be raised to serve the false gods of the Egyptians. Had this sinister plot worked, the children would have been taught the ways of the world and there would have been no possibility of a revolt from the men of God, (See Isaiah 3:1-8).

How does the devil carry out this part of the plot in the year 2004 and beyond? By ungodly men slipping into the church and seducing, luring and coercing women of God into dating, courting and marriage, (See II Corinthians 6:14-18). These indiscriminate males find it easy to pull off this tactic because many Christian women become vulnerable due to the lack of valiant men in the church, (See Isaiah 4:1).

The Christian women who fall into this crippling booby trap, eventually find that their ungodly boyfriends and worldly husbands systematically and methodically indoctrinate them into the ways of the world… fornication, cohabitation, rebellion, abortion, abuse, domestic violence, divorce and serial marriages.

5. The People Multiplied And Waxed Very Mighty, (verse 20)
Because the midwives did not obey the king of Egypt, the people multiplied and not only did they multiply, but they waxed very mighty. They didn’t just fill up sanctuaries in numbers.

That is the problem with many of our modern day churches. They have the numbers in terms of head count, but they don’t wax mighty in their community, city, state or nation. These churches make a lot of noise, but they don’t show forth the awesome power of God by empowering the poor, mending the brokenhearted, setting the captives free or healing the sick.

In this next move of God, the people will not only increase in numbers, but they will wax mighty in the Word of God and in the anointing of the Holy Spirit, (See Acts 6:7). Through their hands God will wrought mighty miracles of healing, provision, restoration and renewal, (See John 3:21).

6. The Midwives Feared God, (verse 21)
The word “fear,” means to reverence. These women were true worshippers of God. They weren’t praying, preaching and prophesying while practicing promiscuity. They were women of virtue to the highest order. They were the type of women men could trust with all of their hearts, (See Proverbs 31:10-12).

7. God Made Them Houses, (verse 21)
Because these women reverenced God, the Lord made them houses. You must digest that scripture carefully or you will miss what the Lord was saying.

He made them houses!

These women weren’t struggling with fulltime jobs while at the same time being the sole caregivers of their children. They weren’t supporting lazy, emotionally detached husbands. Their emotions weren’t being toyed with by trifling boyfriends. They weren’t leaving church services and going home crying in the dark because there were no godly men available. These women of God had it going on! They were truly blessed, (See Psalm 128 and Isaiah 32:17-18).

When God MADE THEM HOUSES, He gave them husbands, children and homes.

Read verses 20 and 21 again! He blessed them with the TOTAL PACKAGE!

The Word of The Lord Came Unto Me Saying…
The Lord spoke to me and said, “Son, I am sending you to raise up the next generation of midwives. The first generation of midwives did their work in the natural. This generation of midwives will do their work in the realm of the spirit.”

“Hence, they will be called spiritual midwives.”

These are the women of God, the Lord has specifically chosen to intercede for the men children. These women have a heart after God. They understand the plot of satan to kill the men but let the women live and like their predecessors, they are committed to making the sacrifice. These spiritual midwives will stay at the altar of God and see to it that these men get birthed into the kingdom of God.

When You Do The Office of a Spiritual Midwife
The Lord told me to tell you, when you do the office of a spiritual midwife, the same blessings that He bestowed upon those midwives in Exodus 1:20-21, becomes yours!

God will make you houses!

You won’t have to cry any more tears because there are no great men of God in the church.

The Lord has made you to be a helpmeet and He will provide for you the desires of your heart: husband, children and a happy and secure home, (See Psalm 37:4 and Genesis 2:18). BUT! You must be willing to sacrifice your time at the altar of God.

Honorable Men Seek Thee…
The Lord is calling you to the office of a Spiritual midwife. Honorable men like Moses, Aaron, Joshua and Nehemiah are dependent upon you to stand in the gap for them. Without your effectual fervent prayers and continued intercession as a spiritual midwife, these men WILL NOT experience the new birth.

I said this before, but it bears repetition, so I’ll say it again. Your calling is just as critical, if not more so, than the office of the apostle, prophet, evangelist or the pastor and teacher.

Where Do We Go From Here?
First and foremost, we must mobilize the spiritual midwives. I am in the process of doing that. I will be holding meetings starting in the Georgia, Missouri and Louisiana areas, issuing prayer directives from the throne of God and setting the stage for this mighty move of God.

Secondly, e-mail this teaching to everyone that you know who has a heart to serve and follow the Lord God. This is a critical time for the Body of Christ and this revelation must be taught to the churches in order for us to properly engage in spiritual warfare. These commands come directly from our Leader and Commander, (See Isaiah 55:4 and Exodus 15:3).

Thirdly, sign up for M.O.V.E., The Messenger Of Victory Enterprise Newsletter. We’ll keep you abreast of the great things the Holy Spirit is doing and let you know when we are coming to your area with this powerful revelation.

Finally, I urge you to intercede for the ministry, Mastering Manhood. This is one of the ministries the Lord is using to train the men once they come to Christ. This ministry trains the men on the 8 steps to manhood, how to master manhood, how to find their God-given purpose, how to clearly hear God’s voice and how to use the Sword of the Spirit. At Mastering Manhood the men learn how to don the full armor of God, use the shield of faith, operate in the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit and how to love a woman of God.

As I have stated, these men will wax mighty in spirit!

If you are a pastor or ministry leader and want to schedule an “Operation Spiritual Midwives Conference,” click here: Request Pastor Triplett.

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